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Step 2 - Revisit What Brings You Joy

This week we will be covering the second step from the free Finding Your Life Purpose Guide.

If you don’t have the guide yet, grab it here>https://www.tinastinson.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-rocking-your-second-half

~Re-Visit what brings you joy~

We as women get so busy with our family, careers, relationships, and sometimes the care of a parent. We can easily lose track of the things we used to enjoy. It's not just the big things like hobbies and traveling. It's the little things too. A walk in nature, a quiet cup of coffee with a book. We tell ourselves we don't have time.

Before you know it, we are going through our lives unconsciously not even aware that we aren't having too much fun, we lose our sense of self, you know that fun lady you used to know:) Now it's time for you to make time and find her.

Action step: Write down the things that brought you joy during the different stages of your life, anything you can remember.

  • Elementary years, Teen Years, Your Twenties, Your...
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Step1 - 12 Steps To Life Purpose Series

I wanted to start a series to help women that may be feeling stuck, uninspired about their life as they enter or are in mid-life.

I have a free 12-step guide that you can download and have as a reference. You can grab it here: https://www.tinastinson.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-rocking-your-second-half

I hope you join me for this weekly series and be sure to reach out with any questions.

Everything we are surrounded with throughout our whole life gives us the impression that once we reach mid-life as women we are past our prime, old and worn out, and that we are at some kind of an endpoint.

Media and advertising lead us to believe that aging is not good and we should do everything in our power to stop and delay it.

It might make us feel stuck, unappreciated, somewhat invisible, overwhelmed, and just plain tired.

Well excuse my French but this is complete bullshit. Mid-Life is just the beginning and can be a fresh exciting start.

You've raised your kids and they're fabulous...

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5 steps to find life purpose

5 steps to find life purpose 

Start to live as your authentic self and create the impact your want in the world

How exactly do we become lost or disconnected from ourselves to the point where we feel completely stuck and uninspired in life.

I hear this time and time again especially from women heading into the middle part of life. They just feel like they have no purpose and no joy in their life. Like they are just going through the motions. I call this “Living on the hamster wheel.”

I believe a big part is we spend so much time, sometimes years taking care of other people, putting everyone else first at the cost of our happiness and health. 

Most of this is expected of us from our family, significant others, and also society in general. Women are expected to be the perfect caretaker, mom, wife, friend, employee, and business owner. We are also expected to do this while looking and acting a certain way, thin, young, and beautiful. If I have to hear about one...

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4 Steps To Help Re-Frame Any Situation

One of the most transformational things I learned to do was changing my perspective on the situations in my life.

The funny thing was, that I did it purely out of survival and didn't even realize it too much until it became a habit. I really would focus on trying to figure out why things, kinda crappy things, kept happening to me. I knew I needed to make a shift from this.

You see, I was dealing with so many stressful things at once that I had no choice to look at them differently. The only other choice I had was to spiral into panic and depression and this was unacceptable because I had 3 young children depending on me and me only.

I could go into deeply what I was dealing with but it doesn't really matter too much. People deal with stressful situations differently so something very stressful for me might be considered a walk in the park to you. What is important is feeling good with the place you are right now and to learn from those crappy situations as much as you can and...

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Live with Purpose Now!

This is more than just a blog post, it's also a take action, kick-butt workbook!  If you want a printable copy head over to www.tinastinson.com and you can download this right on the front page!

Also, want to connect with like-minded women that want to thrive in their second half? Join the Facebook Group, Empowering Women at 40 and beyond. 

We cover everything you need to know about reconnecting to yourself, hitting the reset button on your health, and learning how to be unapologetically you to live with purpose!


Everything we are surrounded with throughout our whole life gives us the impression that once we reach mid-life as women we are past our prime, old and worn out, and that we are at some kind of an endpoint.

Media and advertising lead us to believe that aging is not good and we should do everything in our power to stop and delay it.

 It might make us feel unappreciated, somewhat invisible, overwhelmed, and just plain tired.

 Well excuse...

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